The Mississippi Childrens’ Museum (@MSChildsMuseum) hosted a Lego Build! Read! Play! event on Saturday and Sunday this past weekend. Both of our kids are Lego junkies. For Gregory, the bigger the project, the better (he’s been know to plow through 500+ piece kits in one day. No way could we miss this one).

It turned out that this was a pretty small event, with three 8′ x 8′ mats laid out with large piles of Duplo-sized blocks. But it wasn’t crowded, and we were able to plop down right away–and we lost track of reality for over an hour. In fact, we were so engrossed in building rockets and ships that we completely missed the fact that we were being filmed by a WLBT news crew!

And you know what? Even though Greg had to lower his expectations (since they were simply Duplos, and not the classic Legos for older kids), we all still had a blast. We figured out how to make Star Wars Tie-Fighters, Y-Wings, Land Speeders–and figured out how to reverse-engineering each others’ creations.

So, Legos. Let’s add that one to the growing list of ways to expand our minds–and our relationships.

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